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Get in the game by spreading the word about YLI!

You know YLI has the best civics resources and programs for your students but do your colleagues? Help promote civic education by telling your friends, peers and neighbors about all that YLI does to promote lifelong civic engagement.

"It's a privilege to be part of something that will truly impact our students!"

Spread the word about YLI

Know a school, teacher or organization that would benefit from the Youth Leadership Initiative’s comprehensive civics resources? Use this link to put them in touch with YLI and recommend that they register to have access to all that YLI has to offer. Coming Soon!

What’s your ideology? Find out here!

Democrat? Republican? Liberal? Conservative? Don’t know where you fit on the political ideology spectrum? Find out by using YLI’s online Political Ideology Survey then use that information to connect with similar-minded legislators and elected officials using Project Vote Smart’s database. Coming Soon!

Donate to YLI

Help to support the Youth Leadership Initiative in its mission to improve civic engagement through quality civics education by making a financial contribution. Donate now