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High School Civic Engagement Handbook

From Local to Presidential and Primaries to General, we've given you a great resource to discuss the differences in types of elections and how they work.  

Finding News

At the Youth Leadership Initiative we understand the difficulty in finding reliable news, so we've sifted through more than fifty of the most popular news sources out there and put them into specific groups based on their accuracy. We've also given you a step-by-step process on how to determine if a news story you find is true or not.  

The Youth Leadership Initiative News Map

Another great resource in finding news, our news map sorts those same fifty news sources we've sorted into accuracy but has added a visual aspect that also includes an organizations political bias. Our visual is great tool to find a news source with the view point you want to read or research.  

So Who Decides What?

Local, State, and Federal government responsibilities are not the easiest things to distinguish. We've taken many of the laws and issues at the forefront of many news stories and sorted them into which government(s) have the jurisdiction over them.  

How Do I Get Involved?

Whether you're excited or upset about the governments functions there is always a way to show how you feel. Through legal protest or phone calls to representatives your voice CAN be heard. We've provided a laid out step by step process for what you should do depending on how you feel about government function.  

How Do YOU Sign Up to Vote?

Every state and province has a different way to register to vote. We've sorted all of them out. Scroll down to your state or province and click on it to directly how you can register to vote, whether it be online or through the mail we have the resources you need. You can also compare and contrast the voter registration process for multiple states.
 Created by Joshua Oliver
Email: josho1@vt.edu